
Introducing all the huntable species of the world

The aim of our social network site is to introduce all the huntable species of the world, their habitat, zoological description, and the measuring methods used by SCI (Safari Club International).

We intend to upload  photos about all species and subspecies taken in their natural habitat.

Please help us reach our objectives by sending us such pictures to, so that we can update our database.

We accept photos under "no obligation of copyright issues" only.

Should you know such huntables that we have not listed so far, please send their English, Hungarian,  and, if possible, Latin name to our website.

From the list below you can choose the trophies of species, and subspecies you have already collected during your hunting career. Click on the given name and add it to your trophy-list at the upper right corner.

The huntable big game species of the world are on the list momentarily.

As well, we are going to make the small game species available in the course of 2014.

Not a member yet? Join us! Our social network site is dealing with hunting topics. Unless you are interested in this field, do not register. Please read Terms of use carefully.

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